Well I've finally started the bloomin' diet, as of yesterday. After a load of faffing around with Lighter Life, I came to realise that the Cambridge diet is - to all intents and purposes - the same thing. Except that there isn't the wierdy beardy 'group therapy' with Cambridge and, as a result, you are only paying for the 'food'. Which is made in the same factory as Lighter Life's food! I have found a lovely Cambridge consultant in West Wickham and I just get on with it, seeing her when needed. I'm paying £35 for my week's worth of 'delicious' food replacements (as opposed to £70 for LL) and quite frankly, I'd resent paying any more! The porridge is - well - porridge. The shakes are less than exciting, but the cupasoups are tolerable. The endless water is a pain to drink but it keeps the headaches at bay. Tea and coffee (with my allocated 200ml of skimmed milk) keep me sane. I've only done a day and found the hardest thing so far was Alasdair cooking himself and the boys roast chicken for supper last night. I can't keep them on gruel for 12 weeks so I'm going to have to get used to it, but it is a REAL PAIN having an open plan kitchen in the centre of the house from where cooking smells travel to the furthest reaches of the house!
I am realising how much I think about food - planning meals, etc. Even bloody Woman's Hour is doing cooking this morning! I watched CBeebies' I can cook on the TV while eating my delicious porridge and threw aside the Guardian magazine article on steamed puddings, which just seemed like cruelty.
Wish it wasn't so cold, grey and wet/snowy today. It really doesn't make one feel positive about anything. Think I will switch all the lights on and blast out some music, which will also help to drown out next door's brats. For those who know me: you think my boys are noisy? You haven't heard these children!
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